Contact Us

Have questions about water wells or ready to have one installed? We are here to help.  Fill out the form below or call (‭360) 901-6144 to get started today!

Contact Info

Corporate Headquarters

1400 Columbia St. Vancouver, WA 98660


Open Office Hours

M-F: 8am – 5pm


Contact Us

For Quoting/Estimates

Matt Golec
(360) 901-6144

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I can’t say enough how pleased I was with Matt and Ben. They did a amazing job,  they were ahead of schedule and super courtesy to work with!!! I would definitely recommend them to anyone!!
Scott C, Rhododendron, WA

“professional, friendly, quick and thorough! met our every need, highly recommend them!”
– Amy B., Vancouver, WA

Call: (360) 200-6608

We look forward to working with you

Frequently Asked Questions

How far out are you booked on well drilling?

Fall 2024 is filling up fast! We are currently booked out ~6 weeks for new wells.  For urgent needs, please contact us to see if we can accommodate you.

What kind of water quality can I expect from a well in my area?

The water quality in any region can vary depending on how the water is treated and used. In the Pacific Northwest, water samples are representative of industrial and agricultural activity in the area, naturally occurring mineral deposits that correlate with the local geology, The rain and snow that falls on the area flows through these deposits, eventually ending up in surface water bodies.

For more information about your local watershed quality click here: .aspx

How much water does the average home consume per day?

Depending on the size of your home, number of occupants and activities you engage in during a given day, daily water consumption can range from 50 to 200 gallons. The average American residence uses 80 gallons per person per day. That includes water used for bathing, toilet flushing, washing dishes and clothes, watering lawns and gardens

Are you willing to travel?

We are willing to get creative! It can become cost-prohibitive to travel long distances for a single well.  But, if a homeowner can refer additional well projects in the local area, we can split the transportation costs between all projects! Call us to discuss your location and project needs.

How many dry holes have you drilled?

So far, zero! We believe that proper planning and safe operation prevents poor execution.